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WWE Undefeated Finally Released For Mobile Platforms, Here's the Gameplay!

GridGames.ID – WWE Undefeated has finally released for mobile platforms.

The game has a background based on the World Wresting Entertainment (WWE) wrestling event or commonly known as SmackDown.

WWE has also previously been successful by releasing several mobile game titles such as WWE Supercard and WWE Champions.

In this game, you can play like wrestlers like The Undertaker, AJ Styles, and Kevil Owens.

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Interestingly, you can also fight friends online in this game made by nWay.

In matches, you can choose between three attacks at any time which are cards.

With this mechanism, WWE can indeed be said to be somewhat similar to a card game with a touch of fighting games.

This is a formula that nWay developers have used before in mobile games like ChronoBlade.


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