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Weak in the Early Game, GG in the Late Game, This Builds Claude's Painful Item

Claude Mobile Legends

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Claude Mobile Legends

GridGames.ID – Claude, the marksman hero released since August 7, 2018 has a Reap/Burst specialist. How to build items that hurt Claude? Read this article to the end, guys.

Claude is a hero who can farm quickly and is very easy to push lane, but the skill distance is not too far.

As we know, a Marksman is very vulnerable when early game, as well as Claude who is a bit problematic if it’s 1 vs 1 in the early game.

Therefore, it takes a good and correct build item so that Claude’s skill becomes painful gradually towards the late game.

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The following is the build of the sickest item that GridGames recommends for you. Check it out!

Build Hurt Claude

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Build Hurt Claude

1. Rapid Boots

Claude’s movements are very slow during the early game, therefore Claude must buy shoes first to speed up his movements.


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