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Try it! How to Level Up Fast in Ragnarok M: Eternal Love

Ragnarok M : Eternal Love


Ragnarok M : Eternal Love

GridGames.ID – Have you ever felt it, why is playing Ragnarok M: Eternal Love so slow to just go up 1 level?

Well, here you have to practice to test your patience while playing old school MMORPG games that are “revived” in the mobile version to target today’s youth market.

Usually, you make auto mode for farming to kill the monsters in the game overnight and let your smartphone heat up.

Also Read: Crazy! Ragnarok M: Eternal Love Ranks 1 Download in 3 Countries

Eits, now you don’t have to do things like that. There is a more effective way for you to try.

Here are 2 ways so you can level up fast without having to leave your smartphone on all night:

1. Monster Resistance

Monster Resistance in Ragnarok M : Eternal Love


Monster Resistance in Ragnarok M : Eternal Love

In Prontera, there are NPCs that can offer a quest called Monster Resistance. This quest requires you to meet the exp that has been determined by EXP. The trick is to farm in places that are inhabited by many monsters.

Not only that, by following this quest, the EXP you get during farming will be doubled up to 10 times. Crazy!

2. Time Rift

In every region or dungeon that you encounter on the map or world of Ragnarok, there is a “secret dungeon” called Time Rift where you will be found with powerful monsters.

Don’t play games, sometimes, you can’t fight those monsters alone. So, you have to find a party and do a Time Rift together.

Not only EXP, you can also get cool and valuable loot.

Do you know now how to increase your level quickly without having to auto farm overnight?

Good luck and see you at Prontera, ok!


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