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RRQ Endeavor Fails To Defend PBIC Event Championship This Year

RRQ Endeavor wins second place at PBIC 2018

RRQ Endeavor wins second place at PBIC 2018

GridGames.ID – Point Blank International Championship (PBIC) 2018 was completed on November 17-18 2018 yesterday in Seoul, South Korea.

RRQ Endeavor, a representative of the Point Blank team from Indonesia, won a silver medal or won the second place in the international Point Blank competition.

The first winner of the PBIC 2018 event was won by the Signature.PB team representing Thailand.

Also Read: Great! RRQ Endeavor Brings Indonesia to the Semifinals at PBIC 2018

At the last minute of the match, RRQ Endeavor was successfully cut down or shot mercilessly by the Thai Signature team.

PBIC 2018 final result between RRQ Endeavor vs Signature

PBIC 2018 final result between RRQ Endeavor vs Signature

RRQ Endeavor only bagged 3 points, meanwhile, Signature reached 5 points.

The skills of pro Point Blank players from Thailand, Signature, cannot be underestimated, because they played with mature tactics, especially during the final round of PBIC 2018.

Likewise with RRQ Endeavor which was able to beat its previous rivals in this international competition, until finally being able to fight for the final round against Signature. But luck was not on their side.

Previously, RRQ Endeavor had been selected as Indonesia’s representative for the 2018 PBIC competition by participating in the 2018 Point Blank National Championship qualification last September.


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