Recommended Latest Ahri Champion Build League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Ahri in League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – Ahri has a myriad of skills that can make this champion difficult to beat.
Ahri himself is considered to be one of the champions with the ability to increase movement speed which is quite large.
Some of his skills are able to make the opponent not move at all.
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Thanks to skill 2 called fox fire, Ahri is able to increase his movement speed up to 40%.
The cooldown of the skill is also quite short, so you can maneuver freely continuously to chase your opponent to help your teammates.
Skill 1 called orb of deception can be used to clean minions quickly or even poke enemies, so you can also rotate quickly after the minions are successfully cleaned.
Not only his skills, his ultimate called spirit rush has the ability to stack 3 times to dash in a determined direction.
The ultimate can be used to chase enemies, shake opponents, pass through walls to kill opponents because the damage incurred is also quite large.
Currently, the top player using champion ahri is filled by players from China who have IGN ‘希望だ’ with a rating of 4,541.
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