Recommended Build Champion Zed Sick League of Legends: Wild Rift

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Zed in League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – The current champion by the name of Zed is being feared by the players.
Not because of the wide area-of-effect, but the damage output that can’t be underestimated at all.
The speed and combos produced by Zed can’t be underestimated either, guys.
Despite having combos with a high level of complexity, there are already many players who are able to master the champion with this basic Assassin role.
Also Read: Fizz Champion Build Recommendations for League of Legends: Wild Rift
Now interestingly, Zed’s ultimate, Death Mark, is able to make this champ untargetable or cannot be targeted for 3.5 seconds.
The ultimate also has a very large damage output, even ADC or MM heroes can be overthrown in one combo by Zed.
Not only to fill the Jungle role, this champ can also be used to fill solo lanes such as Mid or Baron Lane.
With such advantages offered by this champ, many players are eager to master Zed.

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Top player Champion Zed in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Also Read: Recommendations for the Strongest Jhin Champion Build in League of Legends: Wild Rift
Currently, Zed’s one-user ranking is filled by players from China who have an IGN ‘结束了我说的不是游戏’ with a rating of 4,641.
The Chinese player has an interesting build champion to follow, guys, let’s take a peek!
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