Recommended Build Champion Xayah in League of Legends: Wild Rift!

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Xfather in League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – In the latest update titled Lunar Beast which was added to the title Wild Rift, Xayah became the newest champion to be present in the MOBA made by Riot Games.
Xayah has the basic roles of Marksman and Mage, and is often used to fill Dragon Lane.
The ability of this champ cannot be underestimated, because it presents a kit (skill set) that has a very large damage output.
Also Read: Riot Games Presents ‘Lunar Beast’ Event With Attractive Prizes!
The combos presented by the Xayah kit are also diverse, you can try a variety of interesting combos that can be adapted to the enemy’s gameplay.
Xayah’s passive is called Clean Cuts, giving him the ability to attack straight after he casts his skills.
This attack has a damage output that will increase constantly and leave Feathers on the ground for 6 seconds.
Also Read: 5 Champions With the Highest Damage Output in MOBA LoL Wild Rift
Xayah’s 3rd skill called Blade Caller is able to call back all Feathers towards him, dealing 115 physical damage to the enemy affected by the attack.
The damage from these attacks can be increased based on the critical attacks obtained.
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