New Innovation, Custom PlayStation 5 Devices So Black

PlayStation 5 (PS5) All Black
GridGames.ID – The latest news for PlayStation 5 (PS5) fans, where your favorite console can now change color to All Black.
Just from the name all black, so it’s certain that the console made by Sony will have black all over body-his.
As we know, the PS5 itself only has one type of color, namely black and white.
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Reporting from the Polygon page, the all-black PS5 was launched by Dbrand, one of the accessory manufacturers that can customize any device, guys.
Dbrand now sells a replacement plate called Darkplates or the Dark Plate to match the color of the PlayStation 5 you have.
Dbrand’s website currently lists custom options for Disc Edition and Digital Edition PS5, though the digital edition plate isn’t on sale yet.
A set of outer plates is priced at USD49 or around Rp. 685 thousand without shipping costs for disc edition.
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The outer plate is not a skin, but a completely new component that will allow you to replace the side and center plates of the PS5.
Sony itself did a disassembly of the PS5 back in October, which shows how the components can be removed.
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