6 Strongest and Best Meta Tank Heroes Season 20 in Mobile Legends
Tanks are one of the roles with an important role in the Mobile Legends game because they play a role in protecting and helping teammates. Currently, there are several meta tank heroes in season 20 that deserve to be used in ranked mode because they have greater advantages and strengths than other tanks, even though they will most likely have to fight with the opposing team. Hero tanks usually have durability, life, and thick defense so it’s not easy to die because they are tasked with protecting teammates besides being able to initiate teamfights.
Well, this time we will discuss about meta tanks in season 20 after previously we discussed other meta heroes so that we can use these heroes when ranked. So, listen to the end so that you are not curious anymore, right away, here are some hero tank meta season 20 in Mobile Legends.
1. Tigreal

The tank hero in the first place, of course, is Tigreal, one of the tank heroes in the current meta season. Tigreal is getting more and more popular in season 20, so there are a lot of players fighting over to use this hero, almost every match must meet Tigreal. Ultimate skill combos and flicker spells are also very popular this season because they are considered effective for disabling enemies during teamfights because they include surprise attacks. Tigreal is classified as a tank with high durability so he is difficult to kill and takes a long time or uses a gang, this resistance makes this hero very good in teamfight.
Tigreal’s skills are full of crowd control so he can cause trouble or trouble for opponents because his skill set is very annoying. Tigreal can push the opponent then give a knockup effect using skill 2, of course this skill is very annoying because the target can’t move for a while. Armed with a skill set and also thick durability Tigreal is able to protect and trouble the enemy.
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2. Johnson

Johnson is also included in the best tank hero of season 20. This tank hero is now popular again and is widely used by Mobile Legends players when playing in ranked mode, now Johnson has rarely been banned since Beatrix’s appearance. One of the advantages that johnson has is the ultimate skill because he can turn into a car and drive around the map, this is what makes him feared, especially if he has crashed. Johnson is a tank hero with good crowd control so he is very suitable to be a war initiator, besides his passive skills also make him thicker because when his blood is thin he gets a shield.
When using Johnson’s ultimate skill, he can bring one of his teammates, even better if it is combined with Odette, X-borg, Belerick, Badang, and others. In this season, take advantage of using Johnson because he is a meta tank hero and is often a bone of contention, especially since the crowd control ability of this hero is no longer in doubt.
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3. Baxia

The next meta tank hero is Baxia, one of the tanks with good durability and pretty bad damage. Baxia is often used because he has anti-regen skills so he can counter heroes like Esmeralda, Gatotkaca, and other heroes who rely heavily on HP regen as their weapon. Baxia’s mobility is also quite high thanks to his skill that can turn into a wheel and spin for a while besides that it can also jump around, this skill is very useful for roaming to get there faster.
Baxia’s ultimate skill is able to emit a kind of burning lava that can continue to appear for the duration of the skill, the lava will burn the target that stands on it and this skill can be used while moving will be very good to use during teamfights. Armed with the skill set earlier, Baxia can be relied on as a tank to protect teammates as well as finish off enemies because his skills are very offensive.
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4. Gatotkaca

Gatotkaca is one of the strongest tank heroes of season 20, he has thick defense or durability as well as quite sick damage. This hero tank is quite thick when using a full tank item assisted also by his passive skill which can reduce damage. Gatotkaca has good crowd control skills to trouble enemies, with skill 1 he can slow down opponents while dealing damage, skill 2 to give taunt effect to enemies after a dash. The key to Gatotkaca lies in his passive skill because he can attack back as well as heal life if the rage energy stack is red.
Gatotkaca’s ultimate skill also includes crowd control with this skill, Gatot will jump in the specified direction then opponents in the area will be knocked-up for a while. In the current season, thick tanks are really needed to last a long time during teamfights, besides that crowd control is also needed, so you can use Gatotkaca.
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5. Franco

Surely Mobile Legend players already know the tank hero named Franco because he is very popular and often used. Franco himself is a meta resistant hero because he must be in every meta season, it’s all thanks to his skill set which is very useful for making enemies overwhelmed and emotional. Franco’s mainstay skill is definitely skill 1, he can pull the opponent using a hook then the opponent will be attracted to Franco. This skill can be used to kidnap opponents from a distance, especially marksman, mage, or assassin heroes.
Franco’s other mainstay skill is the ultimate skill, this skill can make the enemy disabled/suppressed for a few seconds so they can’t move or issue skills. Of course the best skill combo is skill 1 and spell flicker then remove the ultimate skill so that the enemy can’t run away everywhere.
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6. Khufra

Khufra in season 20 is still used because he can counter agile heroes, especially assassins and marksmans who usually have fast movements. This tank has great crowd control power and is perfect for both gang and team fights because it can overwhelm the enemy with his CC skills. Khufra can jump far with skill 1 after being hit by a target it will knock up, this skill is perfect for ganking or when starting a teamfight.
During a team fight, Khufra can use his ultimate skill to push all opponents using his big hand. Khufra is certainly very useful in all conditions considering that he is equipped with good crowd control skills, Khufra’s durability and endurance is also thick but he has to use a build tank.
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Well, it seems that the article about the meta tank hero season 20 in Mobile Legends may be useful as well as add insight, especially about meta heroes for playing ranked mode. If there is a good response to add, other opinions, questions, or others, please discuss in the comments column. See you soon, don’t forget to visit this site again to get unique information about the game.
Image Source: wallpapercave
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