Knowing Custom Rom and Android Kernel, Potato Cellphone Must Read!
GridGames.ID – Hello, dear gamer friends, do you know that you don’t have to have a cellphone with god-level specifications to play mobile games?
And have you ever thought that the device or cellphone you are using is classified as a potato or often lagging when playing heavy games, such as PUBG Mobile.
There are many factors that affect FPS Drop or lagging when playing games, from device specifications to connections.
Well, gamers themselves have never heard of the words ‘Custom Rom’ and ‘Kernel’ on your device?
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Confused huh? Don’t worry, GridGames will explain what the two terms mean, especially for potato device or cellphone users, let’s see!
1. Custom Rom

Android Custom Rom
Custom Rom is the opposite term of Stock Rom, the difference lies in the final result obtained by the user.
Stock Rom itself is an operating system that is usually given from the first party of your device manufacturer, for example MIUI on Xiomi.
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