Don't Want to Lose, Pokemon Go Immediately Celebrates Halloween 2020 Event

Pokemon Go Halloween 2020
GridGames.ID – Hello, fellow Trainers who are still loyal to their pet Pokemon.
Soon the Halloween 2020 event from Pokemon Go will start.
Niantic as the developer has also provided some detailed information on interesting and special events this year.
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Let’s see! What’s in the Pokemon Go Halloween 2020 event?
- In this event, Ghost-type Pokemon will appear more often in the wild and hatch from Eggs.
- Gengar and Sableye will be found wearing costumes, you can find costumed Gengars through Raid, while Sableye can be found in the wild, even hatching Eggs or eggs also have the opportunity to get this costumed Pokemon.
- Galarian Yamask will appear in Pokemon Go for the first time, you can complete the Halloween 2020 Special Research, A Spooky Message Unmasked, to help Professor Willow unravel the mystery surrounding this Pokemon.
- You can find Spiritomb by completing Field Research tasks and completing Halloween 2020 Special Research, you can also get the Shiny version if you are lucky.
- Trainers who complete the Mega Buddy Challenge Timed Research will be able to participate in the exclusive Timed Research with the prize of Gengar Mega Energy.
- Darkrai is coming to Five-Star Raids.
- A Halloween themed Field Research assignment is coming.
- New avatar items will be available in the Style Shop, various Halloween themed decorations such as Pikachu Mask, Gengar Onesie, Sableye Glasses and many more will be available.
- Creepy Crate Box, Boo Bundle and Pumpin Pack are available in the item-shop.
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