Build Item Yorn Sick, Hero Archer Dashing Arena of Valor (AOV)

Build Item Yorn, Hero Archer Arena of Valor (AOV)
GridGames.ID – Yorn is a hero archer or marksman at AOV with specialist poke.
This dashing hero has damage high attacks and really sick, you know, but you have to use a strategy too to become the most feared hero.
This time GridGames.ID will provide build items Yorn hurts so he can auto win here. Let’s just look at the contents and explanations.

Build Items Yorn Sick in Arena of Valor (AOV)
Also read: This is the Krixi Hurt Item Build, Hero Mage Arena of Valor (AOV)
1. Fafnir’s Talon
Items attack it has 60+ Physical ATK, 30% ATK speed, and life steals 10%.
2. War Boots
Yorn certainly needs shoes to be able to walk 60+ faster than before and has 25% ATK Speed.
3. Claves Sancti
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