5 Champions with the Best Crowd Control Skills in LoL Wild Rift!

GridGames/Teguh Wicaksana
Champion Kennen in League of Legends: Wild Rift
GridGames.ID – Now, Riot Games has given many choices for the list of champions present at LoL Wild Rift.
With more and more champions being released, it makes players more adaptable for each match.
Every event, Riot Games also often adds new champions.
The present champions have different abilities that make them superior in other respects.
For example, champions who have crowd-control (CC) skills are able to compete with champions who have the largest output-damage.
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Well, now GridGames will tell you all 5 champions who have the best CC skills in LoL Wild Rift, check it out!
1. Amumu

Riot Games
Amumu, one of the champions who liven up Wild Rift
His ultimate called Curse of the Sad Mummy belongs to Amumu, capable of producing AOE attacks and giving a stun effect for 1.5 seconds.
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