YouTuber Gaming Drama Chronology: Ericko Lim VS Reza 'Arap' Oktovian

Clarification Ericko Lim et al
GridGames.ID – Three days ago, Ericko Lim posted a video clip, of her own new single entitled No Sm:(le Zone M.RO.
There is something unusual about the title of the single, and apparently, the single is Ericko Lim’s special “presentation” for Mr. RO, aka Reza ‘Arap’ Oktovian.
Yep, this is a single diss for Arap from Ericko Lim.
Have you heard the song? If not, listen first, here.
It turns out, guys, this is the beginning of the chaos in the affairs of Ericko Lim and Reza ‘Arap’
A few days ago, Ericko Lim ventured to discuss the concept for the Youtube Rewind Indonesia 2018 project with gaming content with Reza ‘Arap’ Oktovian via DM on Instagram.
Ericko Lim intends to ask Arap for help to help in the process of making Youtube Rewind.
However, Arap flatly refused Ericko Lim’s request.
The problem of refusing to cooperate on the Youtube Rewind project makes Ericko Lim unable to sleep, you guys, because there are some words Arap said in the DM that was uncomfortable,
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