Top 5 Tank Champion in LoL Wild Rift, Hard and Strong!
In the LoL Wild Rift game, there are several different roles that have different tasks. One of these roles is the tank role. Tanks have a big enough role in the Wild Rift game, without tanks, who will protect other champions such as support, mage, or adc?.
Yes, tanks really have an important role so every team must have a tank if they want to have a greater chance of winning. Well, on this occasion, let’s discuss some of the best tanks in LoL Wild Rift. Please just read to the end, if you are curious about the discussion and the following list, go ahead.
1. Blitzcrank

In the first place, of course, there is Blitzcrank, one of the best tanks with unique abilities. Even though Blitzcrank has been heavily nerfed, it is still one of the best tanks and is still very useful. This champion can not only be a tank but he is also a support.
Blitzcrank is also one of the tanks that Wild Rift players fear. That’s because one of the skills can attract enemies, after being attracted by Blitz, it can be knocked up.
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2. Malphite

Furthermore, the best tank in LoL Wild Rift is Malphite, the powerful stone creature. Malphite is a tank with a good skill set and one of the tanks that has pain damage through his skills. This champion is versatile, we can use Malphite in baron lane or as support in dragon lane.
One of the things that irritates the enemy with Malphite is his 4th skill. He will ram the opponent so that all opponents in the area will be knocked up. For support and tanks, Malphite is already strong and reliable in any situation, including team fights.
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3. Amumu

In the next sequence, there is a little mummy who is often sad to cry because of loneliness, namely Amumu. Even though it looks weak and small, don’t take this tank lightly, it can kill you easily. Amumu has a skill set that is dominated by CC skills in the form of stun.
Apart from being a tank, Amumu is also a jungler. This tank is strong to support teammates and to crowd control enemies during war, one of the AoE skills and its damage can be useful both in teamfights and duels.
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4. Braum

At number 4 is the burly man with the mustache, namely Braum, who is included in the ranks of the best tanks in the Wild Rift. Braum is very suitable as a tank support to help ADC in dragon lane, because he has the skills to protect teammates. He also has CC skills in the form of stun and knockup to temporarily paralyze enemy movements.
For clear support, Braum is very suitable, as well as he can be a tank for teammates. When teamfight with enemies, he can issue the ultimate skill to knock up enemies, Braum can also protect his friends with an ice shield.
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5. Alistar

Furthermore, in the last number sequence there is the big and stocky minotaur, namely Alistar. Of course his body is already sturdy so he is very strong to be a tank even his life is thick. Alistar is suitable to be a tank support in Dragon Lane, because he is not effective alone.
Alistar’s skill set is quite useful for crowd control of opponents, one of which can be for knockup or knockback. For teamfight affairs, Alistar can also be relied on, especially for opposing CC champions such as ADC.
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So, that was the discussion and list of some of the best tanks in LoL Wild Rift. So what’s your opinion?, do you agree or do you have something to add? Please comment, don’t forget to share this article.
Hopefully this information can be useful and useful for you, especially LoL Wild Rift players. Don’t forget to always visit this site so you don’t miss the latest information about games. See you on another occasion.
Image Source: League of Legends
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