8 Mobile Legends Heroes That Have the Best Immobillize Effect
8 Heoro Mobile Legends That Have the Best Immobillize Effect – Mobile legends heroes have their own abilities and skills, in this game each Hero has almost the same or different features and abilities, one of which is the ability to disable/immobilize enemies, this effect causes the enemy to become immobile and attack the Hero who uses the ability this. Here we summarize 8 Mobile Legends Heroes That Have the Best Immobillize Effect.

1. Saber
Saber has the ability to disable by using the ultimate skill on the opponent. Ultimate saber skill can make the opponent lift up and make the enemy unable to move or attack so that the saber can slash freely for three attacks. This skill can be used optimally to kidnap opponents, especially heroes who have weak defenses.
2. Cyclops
Cyclops is a Hero Mage who can issue disable skills with his ultimate skill. Cyclops can target its skills to the opponent and make the enemy unable to do anything for a few seconds, this skill will target one opponent and will continue to follow the opponent until the opponent is trapped by this cyclops skill.
3. Vexana
Vexana has a skill that can make the opponent move irregularly and cannot attack him, the 1 vexana skill makes the opponent disabled because Vexana attacks the opponent with a hand of darkness so as to disable the opponent.
4. Hanabi
Hanabi can issue an immobillize effect using the ultimate skill that can make the opponent unable to move. The hanabi skill can disable opponents within the range of the area and can develop to other opponents and can make other opponents affected by the effect.
5. Kaja
Kaja can disable the opponent by using his ultimate skill. The Kaja skill will bind the opponent and Kaja can pull and carry the opponent anywhere for a few seconds, the Kaja skill makes the opponent disabled and his defense weak.
6. Guinevere
Guinevere can disable the opponent with his ultimate skill that can knock the opponent up and the opponent can’t move or attack Guinevere, even worse, the knock up and disable effect is up to 6 times. Guinevere is suitable to be an enemy crowd control because his ultimate can make a team affected by the disable/immobillize effect.
7. Odette
Odette also has the ability to disable enemies by using skill 2. Skill 2 from Odette can make the opponent unable to move and attack for a short time. Odette can also maximize the immobilize ability by using this skill along with her ultimate skill that can overwhelm the enemy and cannot escape when attacked by Odette with skill 2 and ultimate combos.
8. Aurora
Aurora can immobilize enemies if she uses her passive skill. Aurora’s passive skill can disable opponents by making the opponent freeze covered by ice, to issue the passive skill Aurora must collect a stack by using her skills, every use of Aurora’s skill will get one passive skill stack and must get 5 stacks to be able to issue a passive skill that can find the opponent.
Maybe that’s all the article about 8 Hero Mobile Legends that have the best Immobillize Effect. By maximizing the abilities of each of these heroes correctly, victory can be achieved easily, so the key is to master each of these heroes and also try and understand every hero’s ability in mobile legends. Hopefully this article is useful and can add information and references about the mobile legends game. Happy reading.
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