8 Hero Marksman Meta Season 20 Hurts Mobile Legends
Marksman is one of the roles in the Mobile Legends game that has a very important role, usually this role is often a hyper carry or gold laner. There are various marksman heroes that you can use in the current season, but only a few have become marksman meta season 20 because they have advantages over other mm. Hero marksman has a very important role so many choose this role, even though they have weak defenses, they are able to produce high damage and have a longer attack distance.
On this occasion, let’s discuss and list the mm meta heroes of season 20 so that later you can determine which heroes to pick and ban in this season. Curious right? if so, just read this article until it runs out so you don’t get curious anymore and add references when playing ranked later. Immediately, the following is a list of the marksman heroes.
1. Yi Sun-Shin

Yi Sun-Shin is of course still a marksman hero meta season 20 in Mobile Legends because he has the skills and abilities to defeat the enemy team. Usually YSS is often used as a hyper carry or it can also be a side laner, but the most suitable role is as a hyper. One of the sickest marksman of season 20, there is no need to doubt his ability even in tournaments such as MPL, MDL, and other tournaments, he often uses Yi Sun-Shin as their main marksman. Yi Sun-Shin also has the unique ability to use two weapons, namely arrows and swords, arrows can be used to fight long distances while swords can fight at close range.
YSS’s passive skill is also very useful for supporting mobility because every few minutes there will be a ship at the base that YSS can ride, the ship can also crash into the opponent and cause stun. Of course Yi Sun-Shin’s ultimate skill is very useful for open maps because he will launch an attack on all enemies and show their location and give a slow effect. Yi Sun-Shin is really a marksman worthy of being used in the current season.
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2. Brody

The next meta marksman hero is Brody, mm with sick and deadly damage. Brody is currently still a tire subscriber and often doesn’t qualify for draft picks, but if he passes, it will surely become a bone of contention for both teams. Since the early game, Brody has been able to produce high damage when attacking opponents using basic attacks, his skills also have enough damage to pay off the opponent’s blood. Brody can be a sidelaner or hyper carry depending on the team’s choice or agreement, both roles are suitable for Brody.
In order for the damage to hurt even more, you have to take advantage of Brody’s passive skill which will mark when Brody attacks with a basic attack or skill, the passive makes Brody’s damage increase, slows it, and increases critical damage. When teamfight or war use the ultimate skill so that Brody attacks all enemies within the attack range of the skill and leaves a mark, then just attack with basic attacks and skill combinations.
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3. Claude

Claude is still a meta marksman hero in season 20 now, this hero has various advantages over other marksman. Claude is often used in ranked mode, even in tournament events, Claude is the main weapon for pro players to win matches. This hero is very superior in mobility and damage, he can steal movement speed and attack speed from enemies or monsters. To run away and move places, it is enough to use skill 2 to teleport by using Dexter’s shadow, so Claude can run away or chase opponents easily using this skill.
Claude relies heavily on attack speed and damage from basic attacks, when he reaches full items he can even kill tanks quickly and easily. Claude’s ultimate skill is also deadly he will attack with his partner Dexter in a circular area, the damage from this skill depends on the basic attack damage. If you want to use agile marksman and the damage is painful, just pick Claude, this hero can be used as a sidelaner or hyper carry if Claude is included in season 20’s sickest marksman hero.
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4. Beatrix

The next meta marksman hero is Beatrix, a new hero that was released at the beginning of season 20. As usual the new hero must have more or overpowered abilities to attract players to use the new hero, just like Beatrix she is very op because she has unique skills. Beatrix has 4 weapons that have different attack effects, each of which has very lethal damage like a bazooka, shotgun, just like a firearm. Beatrix’s 1st skill can be used to choose which weapon to use, after selecting Beatrix can use 2 interchangeable weapons during the game.
Beatrix’s ultimate skill also has different attacks depending on the four weapons selected when issuing the ultimate skill. This hero is very flexible when fighting because it is supported by his weapons, even in the early game he is able to destroy the turret with just a few shots. However, Beatrix is now often a ban subscription in the ranked draft pick mode considering that her skills are very overpowered.
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5. Granger

Granger is one of the marksman meta season 20, he has great potential and deadly damage. This marksman has large critical damage through his bullets, a total of 6 bullets per round that can be fired by Granger after it runs out will reload again the last bullet is guaranteed to have critical damage. Granger can launch an attack of 6 bullets towards the front and produce quite painful damage when hit by an enemy, this skill is very helpful when Granger clears the lane or attacks the enemy.
Granger can also do a dash by using skill 2 in addition to the dash skill it also adds damage to the next 2 attacks, use this skill to chase the current opponent or run away from the pursuit. Granger’s ultimate skill will fire 3 large bullets towards the target, if they succeed in hitting the target then they will be affected by a slow effect.
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6. Wanwan

The next Marksman meta season 20 is Wanwan. Wanwan is famous because she has very agile and agile movements than other marksman heroes, Wanwan can attack by circling the opponent. This hero has burst damage and high attack speed, although it requires the player’s ability to control Wanwan properly because the skill mechanism is quite complicated. The key to using Wanwan is her passive skill because this skill can cause marks on the opponent and can increase attack damage.
One of the advantages of Wanwan is skill 2 because she can release crowd control effects, she even gets additional movement speed for 2 seconds. Of course one of Wanwan’s mainstay weapons is the ultimate skill, he will fly and attack with a basic attack quickly towards the target for the duration of the skill Wanwan cannot be attacked. Indeed Wanwan is difficult to play because the skill set is complicated, but if this hero is in reliable hands, it’s better to be careful.
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7. Bruno

Bruno is the next hero marksman meta season 20. This marksman hero has pretty sick damage, he is very strong during the mid to late game phase with full critical items and damage. Bruno gets additional power through his passive skill, this skill can add a maximum critical chance of up to 20% by stacking. Even though Bruno is very strong in critical terms, his attack speed is indeed not strong even from the addition of items, even though he is still strong in the late game phase.
Bruno has good crowd control skills, skill 1 can shoot the ball and make the enemy slow, skill 2 can tackle the enemy and be stunned. This skill is very useful for chasing opponents or running away. The ultimate skill, of course, has great power. Bruno kicks the ball at the opponent and keeps bouncing it repeatedly to the closest opponent, when teamfight or war uses the skill.
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8. Moscow

The last but not the worst hero is Moskov, one of the sickest marksman season 20 as well as the current season’s meta marksman. Moskov has a unique skill set consisting of buffs to crowd control. In the early game, maybe Moskov is still weak and doesn’t have sick damage, but never underestimate Moskov during the late game because he is very savage during that phase. Moskov can be played as a sidelaner or hyper carry, but now it is more effective to use Moskov in the gold lane.
Moskov can increase his attack speed using skill 1, he will blink and increase his attack speed very high so it is very helpful during the fight. Moskov’s passive skill is also very helpful for him to hit more than one enemy because Moskov’s basic attack attack can penetrate backwards, this skill also reduces the cooldown of the skill. Moskov also has a crowd control skill in skill 2, if the target is hit by a wall it will be stunned or if it hits more than one target. Moskov’s ultimate skill is quite deadly because it can reach a straight line, he will throw a large spear and can penetrate.
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That was the article about the discussion and list of heroes marksman meta season 20 in Mobile Legends, hopefully it can add insight and references about meta heroes in Mobile Legends. Maybe until this article, we will discuss other heroes at the next opportunity, see you, don’t forget to stop by so you don’t miss unique information about the game.
Image Source: uhdpaper
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