6 Ways to Get Money in GTA V Online Quickly and Easily
GTA V Online is a game made by Rockstar Games which has been released since 2013. Recently, Epic Games made the GTA V game free and included GTA Online in it, so the number of players is increasing. Maybe those of you who still don’t know how to get money in GTA V Online want to know how, right?, because getting it is quite difficult in GTA V Online is not as easy as the offline version.
Money is very important in GTA Online because it can buy various vehicles, houses/apartments, properties and businesses. Actually, there are many ways to make money in GTA Online, but only a few methods are considered more effective and easy to do, if you already have a lot of money, you can definitely have fun. Therefore, see the following article which will discuss how to earn money in GTA Online.
1. Heist Mission
If you want to get a lot of money in GTA Online while acting like a bank thief then choose the heist mission. Heist generally requires 4 people but heists like Casino Heist can only be with 2 people, so make sure you have friends or find someone who wants to join the heist.
In GTA Online, there are small and large heists whose prizes vary depending on how difficult or easy the heist mission is. Usually heist missions start with planning or setup and then move on to the final stage. Heist missions provide many benefits of up to hundreds of thousands of dollars, this mission can also be done repeatedly and make sure you invite your friends so they can work together and facilitate communication in heist.
2. VIP Work
VIP Work is one of the GTA Online missions that is worth a try because it has a rather decent profit potential. If you already have money worth 50 thousand dollars then you can start the VIP Work mission and this mission only lasts for 4 hours, so make good use of it.
I recommend that you choose the VIP Work mission, namely Headhunter and Sightseer because it has a decent advantage. Headhunter is a mission where you have to kill 4 targets scattered throughout the GTA Online map. While Sightseer, you have to find 3 hidden packages through an application on your character’s phone. At least the two missions you can get 20 thousand dollars and can be done again but must cooldown every 5 minutes.
3. Motorcycle Club
The next way to get money fairly quickly is to run a Motorcycle Club business. To start this business you have to start a motorcycles club and become a CEO or President MC in order to run this one business. Besides that, you also have to have capital money to buy MC facilities such as Clubhouse worth 200 thousand dollars, and you can also buy other facilities such as Meth, Cocaine, and Counterfeit Cash.
You can resupply products to keep your business running, the choice is Steal Supplies or Buy Supplies, it depends on which one you think is good. After successfully meeting the supply, your staff and workers will start producing and filling your stock. This business is fairly easy and passive so it doesn’t need a lot of missions but the results are also pretty good, reaching 80 thousand dollars per hour.
4. Special Cargo
One of the profitable businesses in GTA Online is the Special Cargo business, which is selling illegal cargo at higher prices. Before starting this business you must have an office and organization as a CEO then start this business through the SecureServ and Buy Cargo options.
Before starting this business, make sure you also have to buy a warehouse to accommodate your cargo, you can choose a warehouse that has a capacity of 16 to 111 but I recommend the smallest one first. To get the cargo you have to log into your computer then take the cargo but there is also a request from the seller to kill people first. You can get a profit of 240 thousand dollars if you manage to sell 16 cargoes in all, there is a cooldown of 30 minutes for each cargo sale.
5. Bunker/Gunrunning Business
Bunkers are one of the profitable businesses, especially for beginners because the mission is not very difficult. To start this business you must have an organization as a VIP or CEO from the SecureServ option in the interaction menu, if you don’t have a bunker, please buy it first which costs at least 1.2 million dollars.
After you buy a bunker and already have an organization as a VIP or CEO then you can run a Bunker business known as the Gunrunning business. You can choose Steal Supplies, Buy Supplies, and Resupply in your bunker to meet supplies so that later you can produce stock that can be sold. After the supply is full, the bunker employees and staff will start converting the supply into stock and after stock production is complete, please sell it throughout Los Santos for profit. This business is quite profitable with a profit of 80 thousand dollars per hour and it can be repeated as I described above.
6. Vehicle Cargo
The next business that can generate easy and fast profits is the Vehicle Cargo business or it can be called buying and selling cars. Before starting this business you must have an office, a vehicle warehouse, and must also be a member of the organization as a CEO. If all the conditions are met then you can immediately run this vehicle cargo business.
First you have to find the target car through the Vehicle Warehouse then select the Source Vehicle after that select the target and steal the vehicle then drive it to the warehouse. Also be careful when driving the car because if it is damaged, your profits will decrease. You can export these cars for profit through the computer in your vehicle warehouse. The Vehicle Cargo business is able to provide a profit of 15 thousand to 80 thousand dollars per sale or up to 300 thousand dollars per hour.
That was the article that discussed an easy and fast way to make money in GTA Online, hopefully it can help, especially for those of you who are new to playing in GTA Online. Actually, there are many other things such as Events, Time Trials, Races, etc., but I’ll just give them something that is easy and fast and can be repeated. That’s enough for the article, see you later.
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