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Ways and Tips for Upgrading Weapons in Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact is an RPG game that requires you to complete many quests and fight against many monsters. Monsters will be more difficult the more you explore the map, so you need to keep upgrading your weapons so they can do higher damage.

Genshin Impact has many types of weapons; there are swords, bows, spears, books, and others. Each weapon is divided by star tiering, from 1 star which is the easiest weapon to get to 5 star which is very rare but has very good basic status & effects.

There are 2 methods for upgrading the Genshin Impact weapon, namely Enhance and Refine.

The difference between Enhance and Refine

Enhance is a way to upgrade weapons by using other weapons and enhancement ores to increase the level of a weapon. The rarer weapons and enhancement ores that are sacrificed to enhance weapons, the higher the level of weapons you will get.

With each level increase, the base attack status of the weapon will increase. An example of a Sharpshooter’s Oath bow type weapon has base status: Base ATK 39 and CRIT DMG 10.2% at level 1. When upgraded to level 19, its status increases significantly to Base ATK 94 and CRIT DMG 18%.

Each weapon can level up to level 20, before you need rare materials for the weapon to ascend. When your weapon is ascend, the basic status you get will increase sharply compared to before. Then the ascend weapon can be upgraded by another 20 levels.

Refine is a weapon upgrade method by combining 2 identical weapons. Refined weapons will receive additional or increased bonus effects.

An example of a Sharpshooter’s Oath bow type weapon has a bonus effect called Precise, which is a 24% increase in damage when the arrow hits the enemy’s weak point. When Sharpshooter’s Oath has been refined, the Precise effect increases from 24% to 30%.

A weapon can be refined up to 5 times, and each refinement will increase the bonus effect of the weapon. Refining differs from Enhance, not increasing the base status like Base ATK, but increasing the bonus effect which is effective in certain situations.

ALSO READ: How to Quickly Increase Adventure Rank in Genshin Impact!

How to Enhance Weapons

  1. Tap the character icon at the top right.
    Tap the Character Icon above right to start upgrading weapons in genshin impact
  2. Tap the “Weapons” menu for the character whose weapon you want to enhance.
    Tap Weapon to upgrade weapons of the character you want.
  3. Tap the “Enhance” button below the right.
    Tap the Enhance Icon to start enhancing the weapon
  4. Select the Material you want to sacrifice to enhance the weapon. You can use the “Auto Add” feature if you don’t want to bother choosing materials one by one.
  5. Tap the “Enhance” button below the right.

How To Refine Weapons

  1. Tap the character icon at the top right.
  2. Tap the “Weapons” menu for the character whose weapon you want to enhance.
  3. Tap the “Enhance” button below the right.
  4. Tap “Refine”
    Tap the Refine button to start refining weapons
  5. Make sure you have the same weapon that you want to upgrade. Then tap “Identical Weapon Materials”.
    Find the same weapon to refine.  Genshin impact weapon upgrade
  6. Tap the “Refine” button below the right.

Weapon Upgrade Tips, Don’t Get the Wrong Strategy

Make sure you only upgrade your weapon with 3 – 5 stars. The increase in the effect and base status of 1 – 2 star weapons is very far compared to 3 – 5 stars. So it would be a shame to use your materials to upgrade 1 – 2 star weapons that are easy to get.

Instead, use 1 – 2 star weapons as upgrade materials. Enhancement Ore is quite difficult to get, only through treasure chests or stone mining. Whereas 1 – 2 star weapons are easy to get and give decent EXP to raise your weapon level.

Those are the tips from SPIN Esports for the Genshin Impact Weapon Upgrade game. You can see the complete list of weapons in Genshin Impact from tier 1 to tier 5 here.

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