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GUN's New Valorant Skin Has Been Released! Got Any Weapons?

GUN’s New Valorant Skin Has Been Released! Got Any Weapons?

VALORANT players can finally get the Gravitational Uranium Neuroblaster (GUN) skin Collection, which is now in the shop.

This bundle covers the skins for gun Classic, shotgun Bucky, SMG Specter, gun Operator, and melee weapons.

This GUN bundle offers a Premium Edition skin, at a price 7,100 VP or more or less Rp. 700,000.

But you will get all five weapon skins as well as player cards, weapon friends, and skins. Each skin has a price 1,775 VP itself, apart from the melee guns, which cost a fortune 3,550 VP.

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Although the GUN collection does not have a special finisher, there are still some that can be upgraded.

Fans can cast Radianite Points to increase the VFX (Visual Effect) of the weapon, making the bullet sound like a beam gun.

Apart from the basic colors, players can unlock variants in chrome, black and yellow, and red, white and blue.

And the melee gun leaves a trail of neon green circles as it swings, resembling something from a 1960s alien film.

Kolesi GUN replaces the electric Smite collection as a flagship store item.

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