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Genshin Impact: How to Get 6 Free Characters!

Here comes how to get 6 free Genshin Impact characters!

The RPG game that was recently released has spread very quickly to the devices of RPG fans, especially in Indonesia.

This RPG game, which is a game that is all farming and strengthens their character, is very popular in the market.

In this game there are approx 23 characters different, and the players can have several of these characters.

To be able to get a character, players must play gacha which is very rare to get a good character.

Some players are even willing to sacrifice their time, money, and luck to get what they want.

Fortunately, miHoYo the developer of the game Genshin Impact provides the opportunity to get 6 free characters at the start.

For those of you who haven’t got it, let’s see how to get this free character!

There is a giveaway contest with a prize of 1 million rupiah in game vouchers in the application!

Genshin Impact Free Characters


Amber is the first character you will get when you enter the game and start the opening.

Unfortunately, he is the worst character, so you will definitely put him aside as soon as possible.

Some of the players used him only to light a fire in the candle holder from a distance.


Y’all can get Lisa on Quest Sparks Amongst The Pages recommended to you when entering Rank 5 Adventure.

This character can issue electric crystals or summon lightning that will strike around him.

This character is highly recommended to control the area around you, but doesn’t do as much damage as other characters.


You can get Kaeya if you also complete the Quest Crash Course, which you can also do when you reach Adventurer Rank 5. The Crash Course can be started after you enter the Temple of the Wolf.

Kaeya can charge his regular attack and when full can throw several punches at once. Kaeya is an elementalist by type Cyro (Ice).

Also his elemental skill can throw 3 cryo balls which will explode, and can do the ultimate summon that inflicts damage on enemies around him.

Also Read: Genshin Impact Redeem Code for October 2020 and How to Claim it

Also Read: Specifications for Playing Genshin Impact on PC & Android!


Genshin Impact characters

Noelle isn’t really free, it’s just this character you will definitely get on the first 10-set pull from Beginner’s Banner. And this opportunity can only be obtained for new players.

Noelle has 2 swords, a skill that can provide shields, and an AEO hit. Most of his skills were more in the direction of defense, rather than attacks.


Genshin impact character

Well, Barabara is one of the best free characters for you to use.

You just have to has a character that existed before Version 1.1! As long as you are around, Barbara will appear in your email when you reach Rank 20.

Barbara can make it rain in the nearby area, thus causing the enemy to take effect WET for elemental combinations, he can also use several skills as healing.


This character is the character that is the hardest for you to get even though it’s free.

You need to reach Rank 20, but you must be able to finish Floor 3, Chamber 3 of the Abyss Challenge to get to Xiangling.

You just need to go to his page in the Events tab, then Enter the Abyss when you are ready. This event will not end, so let’s try!

The element of this character is fire, and he can create tornado flames that inflict fire damage on enemies, and even more damage if he hits the target correctly.

So that’s 6 free characters that you can get at Genshin Impact for the first time guys!

ALSO READ: Genshin Impact Beginner’s Tips: How to Get Strong Fast

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