5 Strongest Offlane Heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) in Season 19. Auto Win Lane!
Offlane is one of the hardest lanes in Mobile Legends (ML) because in this lane you will really compete mechanics and skills with your opponent’s offlane heroes. It is very important for an offlaner to be able to win his lane by freeze lane, kill the opponent’s hero, and the best thing is to destroy the turret. Therefore, it takes strong heroes 1 on 1 well in the offlane.
Offlane here is also known as EXP lane. This is the usual lane for pro players to be filled by RRQ.R7, AE.PAI, or ONIC.Butsss. Typical heroes with high durability, high heal / regen / shield gain, and strong fist fights with lane opponents in the early game. But don’t worry, these offlane heroes usually, if necessary, can also be put on the sidelane (GOLD lane).
So here is a list of the 5 Strongest Offlane Heroes in Mobile Legends (ML) in Season 19. All of these heroes have win-rates above 50%! So when the heroes below, your chances of winning your game will be higher.
1. Lapu-Lapu
- Win Rate = 55.96%
- Pick Rate = 1.52%
- Tire Rate = 5.23%
Lapu-Lapu is a tier 1 offlaner, as has been admitted by AE.PAI in a different article. Lapu-Lapu is strong for by 1 on the lane especially if he has reached level 4.Before level 4, you better play carefully by throwing skill 1 while paying off your opponent, avoiding the opponent’s skill using skill 2, and auto-attacking the opponent to turn passive shield and additional damage towards the opponent.
And when Lapu-Lapu has reached level 4, it is almost certain that you will win the lane if it is 1 on 1 with another hero. So focus on reaching level 4 as soon as possible on the EXP lane. And don’t be afraid to use the ultimate for your opponent’s harras or clear minions because the cooldown is quite short.
Because many people are dizzy against Lapu-Lapu, here SPIN Esports shares tips on how to counter Lapu-Lapu heroes.
2. Esmeralda
- Win Rate = 53.42%
- Pick Rate = 2.22%
- Tire Rate = 61.38%
From Meta Season 17, Esmeralda has been very strong in offlane / sidelane even though she has been nerfed several times. Esmeralda is very strong 1 vs 1 because it can suck the opponent’s shield and damage the area to the opponent’s minions and heroes at once.
But be careful playing Esmeralda if you are not yet level 2. Because Esmeralda is only strong for 1 vs 1 with her front opponent when she gets level 2 because it requires 2 skills to fight. Then when it is level 4 the same as Lapu-Lapu, don’t love to use the ultimate towards your opponent and try to kill because the cooldown is quite short.
ALSO READ: How to Counter Esmeralda in Mobile Legends (ML) 2021. What are the weaknesses of this OP Offlaner?
3. Alice

- Win Rate = 53.23%
- Pick Rate = 0.77%
- Tire Rate = 17.36%
Compared to all the heroes on this list, Alice is one of the weakest when she doesn’t have level 4. Alice will find it difficult to hit her opponent when she doesn’t have her ultimate Overpowered (OP) skill.
So before level 4, use skill 2 for farming then close skill 1 to skill the minions while returning to your turret. Don’t get too advanced and your 1st skill is on cooldown (CD) you can easily kill your opponent when that happens.
But when you reach level 4, you can immediately bully your opponent, especially if the hero is melee (close range). Ultimate you can use for farming as well as damage your opponent with pain. When it is level 4, the important thing is to be careful with your mana usage because the ultimate requires which one is quite wasteful.
Alice is the hardest hero to play out of these 5 heroes. So for those of you who have never tried it but want to learn, you can watch videos from Yanshen Lim this:
4. Khaleed

- Win Rate = 53.14%
- Pick Rate = 1.02%
- Tire Rate = 0.65%
Khaleed is the hero with the sickest damage for level 1. His 1 Dessert Tornado skill can kill more than 1/2 of the opponent’s HP if all 3 slashes are hit. This hero also has a sufficiently OP passive which can make Khaleed make a surprise hit at the opponent from the bush and is followed by skill 1. With passive combo, skill 1, and spell execute; most heroes will die immediately once hit by this combo.
And when you play Khaleed, don’t be afraid to have fist fights with your opponent because when your HP starts to get low. You just have to heal using skill 2. Then when you reach level 4, when your ultimate hit and follow up with basic attack, skill 1, and execute your opponent will immediately disappear instantly.
But Khaleed is a hero weakest in the late game from this list, so when you play Khaleed, make sure you slaughter your opponents in the early to mid game and end game.
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5. Guinevere
- Win Rate = 51.11%
- Pick Rate = 3.5%
- Tire Rate = 4.9%
Guinevere is the hero of a million Mythics. This hero really sells in the ranks, even though he hasn’t really got a lot of attention in the tournament. Guinevere is also one of the favorite offlanes because he is strong in fist fights in the early game because of his high lifesteal and also has quite OP escape skills.
When you get level 4, Guinevere can also immediately use a combo to kill your opponent. Use skill 2, ultimate, skill 1 and spell execute (if the opponent is not dead and dying).
Guinevere is a very good hero in meta season 19 because many use jungler Marksman (MM). Junglers mostly carry Retribution spells and not Purify spells, so it is very easy for Guinevere to pick them up from the bush.
ALSO READ: 2021 Fragment Shop Update Leaks, Selena and Guinevere!
These are the 5 heroes who are currently OP and the best to become an offlaner. If you really want to focus on winning the early game, you can also pick 2 OP heroes in this sidelane, for example Esmeralda (Gold Lane / Sidelane) and Khaled (Exp Lane / Offlane). It is almost certain that you will win both lanes.
So while these heroes are OP. You can exploit this hero pick frequently and pursue your dream of becoming Mythical Glory in season 19. But don’t forget to learn about other offlaner heroes because it’s not impossible that these OP heroes will be nerfed in the next few updates.
For those of you who want to see the statistics for Mobile Legends (ML) win, pick, and tire rates, you can see here: https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank
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