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3 Reasons Why Free Fire will not be closed by the Government of Indonesia!

On the month June / July 2020 yesterday, the eSports industry, especially from the Free Fire game, was busy with news that their game would be closed by the Indonesian government.

However, as you might expect, this news is a hoax, it is only made by idle haters and Garena’s side has also dismissed this rumor.

How could it be? One of the most popular games in Indonesia should be rumored to be closed by the Indonesian government due to trivial problems.

This trivial problem is because many young children play this one game and it is said to interfere with their education.

But this news has been proven to be a hoax and we have 3 reasons why Free Fire cannot possibly be closed by the Indonesian government.

ALSO READ: Is Free Fire Max Game Number 1 in Indonesia?

Just a Game

If many Free Fire players who play this game are still underage and it can interfere with their education.

So what is wrong is not the game but the parents or the closest people because they continue to let the child play the game.

Free Fire is just an ordinary game in general, it was created to entertain gamers only and the bad effects it all depends on the player.

Free Fire is supported by the Government of Indonesia

The number of official tournaments from the Indonesian government proves that the Free Fire game has the full support of its development by the Republic of Indonesia.

Apart from that, this game also often brings the name of Indonesia to the international arena on several occasions.

free fire is closed, EVOS is the champion of Free Fire

Not Violating the Law

The last reason is that there are no elements that oppose a statutory rule and because it goes back to reason number one, namely Free Fire is just a game.

Those are some reasons according SPIN Esports regarding the impossibility of Free Fire being closed by the Indonesian government for now.

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