3 MLBB Heroes Who Can Confuse Opponents When Draft Pick!
3 MLBB Heroes Who Can Confuse Opponents When Draft Pick!
Draft pick is a method used to select heroes or eliminate heroes you don’t want to fight.
In the Draft Pick session, there were Tires and Picks. The presence of Draft Pick makes the existing matches very diverse because it is not certain that in matches, the team always tires and picks the same.
Speaking of Draft Pick, there are 3 heroes according to SPIN Esports who are very confusing to the opponent because they can have two different roles in META.
Any heroes, here are the reviews.
Chou in META is now back in effect as a Tanker. But Chou as an offlaner is also very annoying.
If you build a Chou Tank, it will be sufficiently sustainable and able to pick up the opponent’s hero. If the Offlaner builds, the damage given is not kidding. Can directly kidnap the core of the opponent with one combo.
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Big damage also makes it easy for Chou to clear lane and split push with his 1st skill.
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Harith was more so than Chou for draft pick issues. Besides being used as a Hypercarry, or Sidelaner. Sometimes Harith is also used as support. So if Harith is picked first and you haven’t decided as what.
You can think of 3 things, as a sidelaner, hypercarry or support. Of course, with the 3 roles that exist, it is certain that the enemy will have difficulty banning heroes.
It could be that the enemy thinks you will make a sidelaner and the enemy tires the hyper heroes, it turns out that you make Harith a hypercarry or support.
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This Hero Assassin is just as confusing during a draft pick. Besides being often used as an offlaner / sidelaner. Benedetta is currently also often used as a Tank or Hypercarry.
Although maybe the use of these two roles is a bit risky, because they are mainly very good as an offlaner.
With high mechanics like Psychoo or Celiboy, Benedetta is an annoying hero for these two roles, namely Tank and Hypercarry.
So when the opposing team uses Benedetta, it doesn’t mean that it will be used as an Offlaner, it could just be a Tank / Hypercarry.
Those are the three MLBB heroes that according to SPIN Esports it was confusing during the draft pick. If there are other heroes, you can write them in the comments column.
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