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Why didn't the developer delete Denuvo even though the game was hacked? - Page 2 of 2

Renewable protection will be re-installed in the DLC and in future updates

Zelda Breath of the Wild DLC

Pirated game? there is still hope through the latest DLC and updates. Maybe that’s what the Developers think. The Cracker team took a long time to dismantle Denuvo’s protection, once it was successful, you could say the game’s history was over. But not if the Developer offers new DLC and updates.

Because Cracker’s habit of piracy is always the same, that is, they only hijack one version of the game after that they switch to another target. This is exploited by developers with the lure of interesting updates, whether in the form of bug fixes and increased FPS (gamers like high performance) or DLC with super awesome content.

At least in this way they can lead the farmers on the right path. So back to the original point, unfortunately the money has been used to buy Denuvo protection so it is reused and then packaged in DLC.

Not all developers decide to stay in the Denuvo ecosystem

Square Enix

So do all developers decide to continue using Denuvo protection? of course the answer is no. There are a lot of blaring game titles that decide to stop using Denuvo after being hijacked, some have decided not to use it at all from the start.

For example, Hitman GOTY, Inside, Rime, Sherlock Holmes, and Doom decided not to use Denuvo for various reasons. Then there are those who decided to delete Denuvo because it has Post-launch content that prioritizes Multiplayer.

Obviously Denuvo is here to protect Developers who want to Breathe for a moment from hacking, not to be a permanent solution from piracy. As we quote from the movie Who Am I:

No System is Safe

Source: Youtube

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