Reviews, Skills, Tips and Tricks
This July 2019, Vainglory issued an update 4.5. In addition to new skins, feature changes, summer sales, event modes, as well as balance and meta, there is also the Miho hero: The Swift Sword or which is translated as Miho the Fast Sword. Miho Vainglory was introduced to the public as a carry-type hero who has fast legs with a sharp sword.
He is a duel master who roams the battlefield looking for enemies. By using his Keen Eye skill, he is able to make the enemy in an Unguarded state, which causes his damage power to increase in a short time. Well, for those of you who want to know more about this hero, just watch the video, and the Miho: The Swift Sword review below which is extracted from Vainglory’s official announcement and video.
Spotlight Miho: The Swift Sword
What a cool spotlight video! Unguarded status which is accompanied by an increase in the power of his damage makes the enemy can be killed easily. This hero is really interesting to try.
Miho Vainglory’s Skills and Talents
Keen Eye Skills
Instead of energy, Miho used focus as her ability. Keen Eye can be stacked on enemy heroes via Miho’s abilities. When the stack has been exposed to the enemy, Miho’s basic attacks, and/or Reizan will leave the enemy in an Unguarded state, stun and damage. Meanwhile, Miho will get a shield.
Reizan’s Skills
Miho will move from place to place, dealing damage to all enemies in her path and in the area where she appears. Reizan has an overdrive effect that makes Miho’s skill will be updated when the enemy is in an Unguarded state.
Shingetsu Skills
Miho performs a long-range slashing move that deals damage to all enemies in the path of the cut. This ability can be re-issued immediately until Miho loses focus. To stop Shingetsu’s ability, you can press his skill again.
Tsukuyomi Skills
After a while, Miho unleashed a wave of crescent moon energy from her sword that dealt damage to every target she passed. Tsukuyomi will also destroy enemy projectiles in its path and expose Keen Eye on every enemy it passes.
Death Blow Talent [Rare]
By using this talent, the enemy hero will not be in an Unguarded state, but the damage done will spread quickly on a large scale.
Eclipse Talent [Epic]
Using Eclipse, Miho’s Tsukuyomi Skill will not only do damage to the enemy, but also heal the HP of friends that it passes.
Shunpo talent [Legendary]
Shunpo’s talent allows Miho’s Reizan skill to stock up to three times. In addition, the resulting damage increases.
Miho Review: The Swift Sword
Based on Ciderhelm, Miho can deal damage to enemies, even bypassing barriers. Miho’s function in team battles is as a duel hero and assassin. Using the Keen Eye carefully will make the enemy more vulnerable to attack. Miho will easily deal damage right through the enemy, and then eliminate him immediately from the fight.
Whenever Miho lands a skill on an enemy, Keen Eye will stack. If the stack has reached three, the basic attack or Reizan skill will produce a series of true damage quickly, issue a shield on Miho, and stun the enemy. After that the enemy goes into an Unguarded state. Miho’s damage power is increased on enemies who are in Unguarded state, but Keen Eye’s stack will not increase until the stack disappears from the enemy.
Miho used focus to activate her skill. Focus can increase naturally, and can be obtained quickly via basic attacks. Miho’s Reizan functions to teleport forward while dealing damage to all enemies in his path and in the area where he appears. This Reizan skill can apply basic attacks such as tension bows, and critical attacks. When teleported, Miho is free from all kinds of attacks, so Reizan can be used to avoid enemies, even in tricky situations, such as being trapped in Ardan’s Gauntlet. In overdrive, Reizan will refresh. So, it’s good to maximize this skill first.
Miho Vainglory Tips and Tricks
When Miho activates Shingetsu, he can perform a long-range slash that deals damage within the line of the slash. After that, this skill can be activated continuously until the focus is lost. Tap the screen or press the skill icon repeatedly with the aim of generating additional slashes. To deactivate Shingetsu, even if the focus has not been exhausted, you can press the Shingetsu icon in the ability bar. Take the overdrive of this skill first, when using a build crystal, because this skill will be the main source of damage when fighting enemies.
Miho’s ultimate power, Tsukuyomi, launches a crescent moon attack forward in a straight line that deals damage to everything in its path. If it hits an enemy hero, this attack will deal three Keen Eye stacks directly. In addition to dealing damage, this skill is also able to reduce projectiles from enemies. Activate this skill at the right time, then the ultimate enemy that leads to him will disappear, such as Solar Storm from Celeste, and Hellfire Brew from Ringo.
Tsukuyomi is very useful to use with the intention of canceling the recall of large numbers of enemies. After three Keen Eye stacks are exposed to enemy heroes, use Reizan to teleport while dealing burst damage, and making the enemy Unguarded. Unguarded condition makes Reizan refresh. Use Reizan again to a safe place or to another enemy hero exposed to Keen Eye, if the enemy will do crowd control. With this trick, Miho users will be able to fight many enemy heroes without dying accompanied by killing, at least up to three heroes.
When Reizan cooldown, in order to kill two enemies who keep their distance, then activate Tsukuyomi towards the two enemies. When both are hit by Tsukuyomi, hit the nearest hero with a basic attack so that Unguarded and overdrive occur, so Reizan is refreshed. After Reizan refreshes, activate to the farthest enemy to make him Unguarded as well and overdrive occurs. Kill the furthest enemy, and use Reizan on the remaining heroes hit by the Keen Eye stack with the aim of eliminating them.
That’s the review, skills, tips and tricks of Miho Vainglory. Hopefully useful, and make you able to optimize this hero. Also wait for news and other information from the MOBA Vainglory game, only on the online games news portal, Kabar Games!
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