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How GG Plays as Killer in Dead by Daylight Indonesia

killer dead by daylight indonesia

How GG Plays as Killer in Dead by Daylight Indonesia – Successfully killing all survivors is the goal of the killer. Here’s how to play as a killer in Dead by Daylight.

In the Dead by Daylight game, you can choose to play as a survivor or a killer. If you play as a survivor, you must be able to survive the pursuit of killers or killers who are trying to hang you. But if you play as a killer in dead by daylight, then you must succeed in killing the survivors before the fifth generator turns on.

Playing as a killer in the DDB game is not as easy as you might think. Besides you have to focus on chasing the survivors. You also can’t miss the generator. Being a killer is about being able to kill all the survivors before all the generators turn on. There are tips and tricks to play as a killer OP that survivors fear. Here’s how.

How to Play as a Killer in Dead by Daylight Indonesia

1. Use the right Perk killer

killer dead by daylight indonesia

Each killer has its own exclusive perk. Or you can also use perks from other killers if you have reached a certain level. By using perk, it will really help you to see survivors who are chasing generators, doing healing, or other things. In addition there are also perks that help you to slow down the survivors in turning on the generator. Of course, these perks are very useful for killing survivors quickly and easily.

2. Hook / Hang Survivor

Survivors are given the opportunity to be hanged three times. But if the survivors are hanged a third time, then they will die. This is an opportunity for the killer to interfere with the work of their generator. When a survivor is hanged, other survivors will try to save the survivor. Or they will try to heal the hanged survivors. The more often you hang/hook survivors, then they will not focus on working on the generator.

3. Get to know the skills of each killer

All killers have different skills. All killers can also become OP (Over Power) when you place the right perk. But if you want to waste time with the survivors, you can use killer The Pig. The Pig is a famous killer character from the Jig Saw film series. When you manage to drop a survivor, you can put on a time helmet which is one of the tools from the Jig Saw movie. With the helmet on, the survivors will try to remove it by using Jig Saw boxes scattered randomly throughout the map. Even if the door is open, survivors will not be able to get out of the map until their helmets are removed. This way, you will make the survivors spend their time checking each jig saw box to remove the helmet.

4. Fast Killer

killer dead by daylight indonesia

There are three killers that can reach the sides of the map very quickly. The killers are Nurse, Hillbilly and The Nightmare Freddy Krueger. Nurse has the ability to ‘blink’ with a very long distance and fast. While Hillbilly can walk quickly when he uses his chainsaw. By using Freddy Krueger you can teleport to a generator to reach survivors.

5. Kick Generator

Don’t forget to kick the generator made by the survivors. By kicking the generator, the progress of the generator will decrease by a percentage. Which means the survivors have to redo their work. In addition, you will also get points from kicking the generator.

So that’s how GG plays as a killer in Dead by Daylight Indonesia. Apply the five methods above, then you will succeed in killing the survivors before the five generators turn on and the exit door opens.

Also read other articles about the guide Dwight, Claudette and Jake Park. Don’t forget to read how to download game Dead by Daylight Mobile on Tap-tap.

Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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