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Here Are 5 Facts About Trevor Philips GTA 5, Emotional But Romantic

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Here Are 5 Facts About Trevor Philips GTA 5, Emotional But Romantic – Many unknown facts about Trevor GTA 5. Number three will make you shake your head.

If previously Gamexran had discussed Facts about Franklin Clinton who was expelled from school and imprisoned. This time Gamexran will discuss facts about Trevor Philips in GTA 5. Trevor is one of the characters in GTA 5 which is full of controversy. Maybe many of you think that this GTA 5 character is a crazy character who has no common sense.

Trevor loves to do random things that will blow your mind. But despite looking dirty and never showering, there are many interesting facts about Trevor Philips that you may not know. What are the facts about Trevor? Check out the discussion below!

Trevor Philips GTA 5 Facts

1. Owns Trevor Philips Enterprises

trevor gta 5 facts

Although Trevor looks dirty in the GTA 5 game, but he has a company, you know, Gaess. Trevor Philips Enterprises or also known as Trevor Philips Industries, Trevor Philips Corporation, TP Conglomerate and others. Is Trevor’s company that handles arms trafficking syndicates, prostitution, and drugs. There are several weapons that are products of Trevor Philips Enterprises, namely Pistols, Pum Shotguns, AK 47, and Carbine Rifles. Trevor’s company is clearly on a mission when you first get Trevor’s character in GTA 5. Not to mention the mission where Trevor fights the O’Neil Brothers and burns their house down because of this business problem.

2. Bad Relationship with His Mother

There will be a Stranger and Freaks mission that brings Trevor to his mother. This mission will be marked by a question mark located at Trevor’s house in Sandy Shores. When you try to enter the house suddenly Trevor will be surprised by the presence of his mother. In this section, the mother reveals that Trevor never visited or even wrote her a letter. Immediately Trevor knelt down and apologized to his mother. As an apology, his mother asked Trevor to find the drug Deludamol which you can find in any hospital. But unfortunately when Trevor had managed to get the drug and returned to his house, his mother was not there.

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3. Likes Men

trevor gta 5 facts

This was revealed twice, the first time during the Stranger and Freaks Mrs. Philips is when Trevor’s mother suddenly comes to his house. The second is when Trevor and Franklin hangout together. In the first part, Mom clearly asks if Trevor is into men? Here Trevor did not answer at all or even denied his mother’s question. Even his mother revealed that she really hoped to have a child who liked a man who would not forget his mother.

The second is when Trevor and Franklin hangout together. On the way to a hangout or on the way, Franklin asked something quite surprising, “Are you…..are you ag*y?”. Trevor replied, “No… yeah. Whatever labels bro. You want me to be g*y?”. Franklin then replied, he will be happy whatever makes Trevor happy. Trevor again said, “Cause that’s what I am. Whatever makes me happy”. Which means, yes it is, whatever makes Trevor happy. But from this statement, it actually shows that Trevor likes both men and women.

4. Have a romantic side

Back to number three, yes, Gaess. Trevor likes women and men. On the female side, Trevor turned out to have a romantic side. This romantic side is seen when he is with Patricia. Patricia is the wife of Martin Madrazo who was kidnapped by Trevor, and in the end they both have a love bond. Or let’s just say that instead of being kidnapped, the two of them are actually dating. One day Patricia called Trevor and said that he missed Trevor, as well as Trevor who missed Patricia.

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5. Crazy/Random/Heartless

trevor philips gta 5 facts

This trait is really Trevor’s characteristic, Gaess. Its crazy, unfeeling or even random nature is not clear. For example when you use another character like Franklin or Michel, then you change to Trevor’s character. Sometimes you will find Trevor looking for food in the trash, urinating, drunk, wearing women’s clothes, and much more. His senseless nature was also seen when he tortured an FIB prisoner. It’s really clear here that Trevor has no feelings.

So those are 5 interesting facts about Trevor GTA 5 for you to know. Number three is quite astonishing, isn’t it, Gaess. But there are also many characters who have sexual disorders in other games.


Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn

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