Counter Yve Mobile Legends, The Biggest Mage Skill
Although relatively new, Yve is able to become a very annoying enemy thanks to burst damage and wide area skills. Just imagine, with a large ultimate area, Yve is able to attack enemies easily, especially during war. Now that makes it difficult for anyone to attack this one hero.
But you don’t need to worry, because no matter how scary the hero is, there must be a counter, including Yve. Even though Yve is immune to CC effects when using ultimate, you can counter it with the following heroes:
1. Benedetta
For this one assassin, defeating Yve is not difficult. Benedetta had very agile movements that would make it easy for her to approach Yve. Moreover, Yve does not have CC skills or Escape skills. So when meeting Benedetta, Yve users have to choose to continue ulti or run away, although escaping from Benedetta is not easy.
2. Gusion
Besides Benedetta, Gusion is also an assassin who counters Yve. As we know, if Gusion has a fairly large damage. Even so big can defeat a tank with ease. In addition, Gusion also has a skill that you can use to find Yve and then execute him.
3. Franco
Even though Yve is immune to CC at ultimate, you can stop Yve with CC suppressed. You can visit this CC on one of the tank heroes, namely Franco. Franco could easily thwart Yve’s ultimate, but Franco’s hook could not pull Yve. So Franco is very suitable to counter Yve even though he doesn’t have big damage.
What do you think about the Yve Mobile Legends hero counter above? Or is there a more suitable hero to be Yve’s counter? Please write your answer in the comments column, yes!
Well, that’s the information for Mobile Legends this time and for those of you who don’t want to miss information about the game world, don’t forget to keep updating information by visiting Gamedaim or installing the application.
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