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7 Secret PS5 Controller Features You Didn't Know

7 secret features of the ps5 controller that you didn't know

7 Secret PS5 Controller Features You Didn’t Know – Unique. The PS5 controller has a secret feature, here are the capabilities or features that the PS5 controller can do.

As part of the latest generation of consoles, of course Sony applies the best innovation features in the controller PS5 they. There are many features implemented in the DualSense controller, but not everyone is aware of it. Even though the features on the PS5 controller are very helpful for players.

It’s not just about the much larger size or the striking white color. This time Gamexran has collected information about the PS5 controller feature starting. For you Sony PlayStation fans, of course you must know the following information.

7 PS5 Controller Features

1. Can Create Content

7 secret features of the ps5 controller that you didn't know

The big difference between the PS4 and PS5 controllers is also clearly visible in terms of buttons and usability. On the PS5 controller, the ‘Share’ button is now replaced with the ‘Create’ button. The ‘Share’ button on the DualShock controller allows players to take screenshots and record videos or gameplay of the game. But the ‘Create’ button on the PS5 controller aims to make it easier for players to share their gameplay with the community.

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2. Increase in-game Feedback

One of the other PS5 controller features is feature Rumble. The Rumble feature on the PS5 stick or controller has efficiently evolved into Haptic Feedback. This feature offers a more advanced technology system. The controller has voice coil actuators that let players really feel the game.

3. Can Voice Chat

7 secret features of the ps5 controller that you didn't know

By expanding online games, of course, the use of voice chat becomes very important. Seeing this, Sony implemented a feature that allows players to communicate with the voice chat feature on the PS5 controller.

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Don’t worry, players don’t need additional accessories to support this voice chat feature. Because Sony has embedded a built-in speaker and microphone in its PS5 controller. The sound produced by the PS5 controller is guaranteed to be very clear and not delay. More importantly, the PS5 DualSense controller can also record conversations to help report abusive players.

4. Adaptive Trigger

Adaptive Trigger is a technology or feature that is quite difficult to develop. This feature is useful for creating a more realistic feel for whatever the player is doing in the game. Adaptive triggers may not be a new feature, but in controllers PS5, this feature is further enhanced.

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5. Can Use USB Type-C

7 secret features of the ps5 controller that you didn't know

There is a shift in the use of the cable type used on the current PS5 controller, namely the use of the USB Type-C port. Both the PS3 and PS4 controllers both use a large microUSB port. But on the PS5 controller, the port is replaced and is equipped with a 3.5mm audio jack and Bluetooth 5.1 support.

6. Touchpad

The touchpad feature has been implemented since the PS4 DualShock controller. But on the PS4 controller the touchpad has its limits. On the PS5 controller, the touchpad feature is now enhanced with a 2-point capacity with a click mechanism to improve responsiveness. Maybe this is a PS5 controller feature that feels quite different.

ALSO READ: The Evolution of the PlayStation Controller From PS1 to PS5

7. Universal Button

7 secret features of the ps5 controller that you didn't know

On controllers on previous generation consoles, the Triangle and Circle buttons on the controller will have different functions or depending on their region. In America, the Triangle button functions to confirm and cancel, while in Japan it’s the other way around. Now this has been removed by Sony, which makes the PS5 controller universal or there are no longer differences in the function of the buttons in each region. Now all the same.

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That’s the PS5 controller feature that you don’t know. How? The features implemented on the PS5 controller are very useful, aren’t they? Unfortunately, these advanced features are also accompanied by a fairly expensive price. One PS5 controller is valued at approximately 1 million rupiah. But the price is also comparable to all the features we get on the PS5 controller.

Hopefully it’s useful, Gaess.
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About the author: @ransltn

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