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5 Terms in Esports Only Gamers Understand

There are many abbreviations or terms in the world of esports that confuse new players, such as GGWP, EZ, SS, Imba and GLHF. If you are an esports player who has not been in the game for a long time, you may be confused by the many abbreviations in the chat.

Actually this is very reasonable, because esports games like this are games with a very high intensity, so it makes many players abbreviate words. So for beginners like you, here are the esports abbreviations or terms from GGWP, EZ, SS, Imba and GLHF that you must know.

What is EZ?


Often hear this term EZ? This term is read izi or slang from easy which means really easy. Players who say this usually mean that the game is easy and does not encounter many problems in it and tends to think of the opponent as a noob.

But sometimes EZ is also used to flame enemies and provoke the opponent’s emotions. So if you hear it in the middle of a match, don’t be too emotional, maybe it’s to provoke your emotions during a match so that your rhythm will be broken.

What is SS?

SS esports terms

SS is not a Screen Shot, you know, but SS is a Special Skill or Ultimate Skill which is the greatest skill of the hero you are playing. Usually the use of this word is to inform the team about the cool down status of their ultimate hero skill.

The use of this word will be shorter, such as “SS ready” compared to “special skill ready” or ultimate skill ready. So it makes it easier for cooperation between players in the team so that they know when to launch their ultimate attack. Shorter and easier right?

What is IMBA?

IMBA esports terms

This IMBA is “Balance“, where an opposing player or hero is so great or even too great that it makes the enemy powerless. For example, “I really love Necro” which means that Necrophos hero is playing really great and makes other heroes feel helpless when dealing with him.

What is GLHF?

GLHF esports terms

Almost every official match starts for sure you will hear this term, do you know what it means? GHLF stands for “Good Luck Have Fun“, which means good luck and happy playing. This can be said to be the opening remark in every match that will be competed, whether it’s in an official event or not.

What is GGWP?


This is the most frequently used and heard esports term. GGWP stands for “Good Game Well Played“, which means the game that is being played is going very well and is fun. And then it developed into an official esports term when a team declared defeat in a single game.

In its later development, GGWP was separated into GG or WP only, but what is often heard is GG, where this is a form of praise for one of the players, or sometimes an official statement of defeat for a team in a match. However, be careful with the term GGWP, because in an official match, this GG is a surrender statement, even though during the game this team is in a winning condition.

So those are the terms in esports from GGWP, EZ, SS, Imba and GLHF that are often used in a match, now you understand right? So no need to be confused anymore when you hear this term in the game. Stay tuned for the latest game news only in Game News.

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