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5 of the best Dota 2 Offlaner Heroes in our opinion!

Dota 2 is one of the most popular MOBA games today. The heroes in this game also vary according to their respective uses. This hero has its own role, one of the offlaner heroes. Even though it’s not like Carry, who has to be the bearer of victory, the offlane hero is very influential in the game, especially as an initiator or an opener. Well, now we will give you the 5 best dota 2 offlaner heroes in our opinion.

1. Clockwerk

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Clockwerk is perfect for being an offlaner hero. Hp and Def status initially was already good. Clockwerk’s skills are also very capable of fighting opposing heroes off lane. Like the power cogs skill to create a shield area to confine or keep the opponent’s hero away from us when in danger. Then, the battery assault skill also has a mini stun which is very useful at the beginning of the game to kill. Besides being good for offlane, clockwork is also very suitable for roaming and helping the mids. Especially when the ulti skill has been taken, Clockwerk can do hookshots and ganks.

2. Sand King

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Sand King is also suitable for playing in the offlane. His caustic finale skill will give poison to the opponent every time he makes a hit. This scorpion hero also has a stun burrowstrike skill with a decent duration. If in a state of urgency, sandking can be invisible with the sand storm skill and inflict damage to the opponent.

3. Bristleback

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One hero tanker is usually played in offlane. His Quill Spray skill is very useful for harassing the opponent’s hero. Moreover, each stack will make the damage received by the opponent’s hero even more painful. In addition to having the power to push the opponent, BB is also equipped with a strong defense. The BB bristleback skill will block damage if hit from behind, this bristleback skill also has a passive to remove thorns when it reaches certain damage.

4. Slardar

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Hero tankers and initiators are also very suitable for the offlane position. The guardian sprint skill that makes Slardar’s speed increase is very useful at the beginning of the game. In addition to staying away from being an opponent, this skill can also be used to bully the opponent. Plus the slithereen crush stun skill, the opposing hero will definitely be alert and surprised when Slardar advances with a sprint and stuns.

5. Dark Seer

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The best hero for offlane falls on Darkseer. This hero can do harras to the opponent’s hero with the ion shell skill given to one of the melee creeps. From the start, the damage from the iron shield was felt, so the opponent’s hero would be overwhelmed when he wanted to farm. Darkseer is also a solid hero initiator, vacuum and wall of replica skills are very useful when in war/clash. Plus the surge skill that makes the speed maximum in a few seconds to chase or run from the enemy.

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