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Tired of Analog MOBA Games? Try These 5 Fun Interactive Games

Five Fun Interactive Games by Grid Games.ID


Five Fun Interactive Games by Grid Games.ID

GridGames.ID – Currently, many mobile games are made with MOBA or Battle Royale types such as Mobile Legends, AOV, PUBG, and others.

But, as players, we must also have times when we feel bored and want a different game. Well, interactive games as well as those containing game elements are the answer.

To be a reference material for all of you, GridGames.ID will provide 5 fun interactive games that will keep you hooked.

Just check it out, guys!

1. Episodes: Choose Your Story

Episodes: Choose Your Story


Episodes: Choose Your Story

Also read: These are 5 games that we can play when we are bored and don’t have quota

The concept of this game is to read stories made by several authors.

Readers can also make the storyline by choosing one of several answer choices where each answer has a different continuation of the story.

In addition, readers can also change the appearance of the selected hair, face, and clothes according to their wishes.


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