Saints Indo Successfully Conquered by The Prime eSports in Regular Season MPL ID Season 3

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The third match of Saints Indo VS The Prime eSports at MPL ID S3 Day 2 Week 1
GridGames.ID – Unexpectedly, The Prime eSports managed to conquer Saints Indo in MPL ID Season 2 on the second day of the first week.
Saints Indo excelled in their first match by successfully killing 26, meanwhile The Prime eSports only killed 13.
The team led by DayLen has an MVP, namely Harley used by Mprast with a total of 9 kills, 2 deaths and 11 assists.
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The superiority of Saints Indo indeed made everyone who watched this match so sure that Saints Indo would win.
However, this prediction is wrong, because the first game of Saints Indo has been successfully read by The Prime eSports so that they can learn from their mistakes.
The Prime eSports rose by choosing their flagship hero and it looks like the meta with two tanks is back.
In fact, The Prime eSports did not pick a marksman hero in their second match with Saints Indo. Instead, they picked two mage heroes, namely Lunox and Grock.
The match was fierce, but unfortunately Saints Indo were so desperate in their second match against The Prime eSports.
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