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Finally! Fortnite Mobile Supports 60 FPS For Multiple Phones

GridGames.ID – Good news for Fortniters who play on cellphones because on updates patches 6.31 will introduce a new feature later.

This latest feature will make players feel more of a new sensation, namely the presence of 60 FPS (Frames per Second) you know!

Previously, Fortnite could only support 30 FPS, but for games battle royale on the phone it’s very good.

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The 60 FPS feature will be available for iPhone phones that were just released a few months ago, namely: XS, XS Max, and XR.

Epic Games as developer Fortnite reveals that the 60 FPS feature on the iPhone will be the best performance every time.

Unfortunately this 60 FPS feature is not available for Fortnite users who use iPhone X.

This was stated by one of the workers Epic Games if the 60 FPS concept is only designed for devices that are more powerful than the iPhone X.

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For Android users, the 60 FPS feature is still in progress until the game display is truly optimal later.

So you have to wait patiently to be able to feel the sensation of playing Fortnite with 60 FPS.

In addition, Fortnite also supports the 60 FPS feature on Android PlayStation 4 and Xbox One you know. Epic Games still trying to provide this new feature for all kinds of devices.

Wow, who can’t wait?


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