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Lokapala Releases New Painful Ksatriya Role Support Named 'Vyana'

GridGames.ID – The latest news comes from the MOBA game developed by the nation’s children, Lokapala.

This game made by Anantarupa Studio has just presented a new Ksatriya named Vyana on December 7 last.

Lokapala’s newest knight adds a row of support roles that are tasked with helping the team when carrying out attacks.

Read also: Nio, Lokapala’s new knight who was inspired by Indonesian fighters

Rupa from Vyana herself is a female pilot captain who of course always prioritizes or prioritizes the quality of her flight.

Vyana, Knight role Support in Lokapala

Vyana, Knight role Support in Lokapala

Personality Ksatriya Vyana is also cheerful and very dedicated. Moreover, his new stunning appearance will enliven Svaka Lokapala even more.

This makes air travel more enjoyable and unforgettable.

Also Read: Reasons Why It Is Important To Use Role Support In MOBA Games

The skills of the latest Ksatriya in Lokapala are also very unique, you know.

As a Support Knight, Vyana is certainly equipped with skills that are no less painful than other Knight roles.

The following is an explanation of the skills possessed by Vyana:


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