6 of the Worst Plagiarism Games, Emulate Famous Games!
Game plagiarism is a problem that has happened many times. Usually these imitators will plagiarize famous games that are booming or even dare to imitate franchise games. Plagiarism is indeed an act that is not commendable because it will only cause harm and can even be dragged to court.
On this occasion, let’s talk about the worst plagiarism game of famous game imitators. If you are curious, please just look at the following discussion and list, right away.
1. Saint Row

The game in the first order of plagiarism is Saint Row. Maybe you’ve heard the name of this game, because it has similarities with the famous game series GTA. However, it turns out that this game is a plagiarism of the GTA: San Andreas game at first.
This game was not as successful as GTA: San Andreas because it was labeled as a plagiarism game and eventually failed in the market. After that the developer of Saint Row began to make something different in this Saint Row series until now it has its own originality. The step of changing plagiarism games into something original is indeed worthy of our appreciation, plagiarism must be avoided.
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2. Unearthed: Trail of Ibn Battuta

Next, there is an adventure game, Unearthed, a plagiarism game from Uncharted. Although thick with typical elements of the Middle East and Islam, this game still imitates the famous game series, Uncharted. This game was published in 2013 from the developer Semaphore.
Plagiarism games do sometimes succeed and sometimes fail, one of them is this Unearthed game. Unearthed gets quite bad reviews and ratings, one of which is because it imitates Uncharted. In addition, Unearthed also has a gameplay that is not so good so it’s only natural that the reviews are bad.
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3. Tattoo Assassins

At number 3 there is the next plagiarism game, Tattoo Assassins, one of the games that carries the concept of fight. Tatto Assassins imitates the popular game, Mortal Kombat, although this is a parody of the game, it is still plagiarism from the original game.
Originally this game was never officially released but there are several prototypes that have been marketed in arcades. The concept of the Tattoo Assassins game is the same as Mortal Kombat, there are only a few differences and this is a parody of the game.
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4. Blade

Furthermore, at number 4 there is a plagiarism game, namely Blade Sword of Elysion. The game is plagiarism from Blade Souls, we can see from the gameplay and various attributes in this game. This blade is not very popular in the game market because gamers should know that this game is plagiarism.
The Dark Souls party also did not accept the behavior of the Blade party who plagiarized the game. As a result, Blade was hit by the law because of a plagiarism case from the Dark Souls game, so he had to withdraw the game from the market.
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5. Mole Kart

Then there is the plagiarism game, Mole Kart, a racing game that turns out to be plagiarism from Mario Kart. Indeed, every time there is a successful video game like Nintendo with its Mario Kart, there are usually imitators. One of the imitators is this Mole Kart, the name is almost the same let alone the concept.
However, there are only supporters and gamers on this mobile platform. There is even a follow-up to the latest sequel, Mole Kart 2, but the developer is developing a slightly different feature.
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6. Mobile Legends

In the last order there is a game that you should know, namely Mobile Legends. It turns out that this game is a plagiarism of the famous Moba game, League of Legends. The case began when Mobile Legends was still in its infancy and completely imitated League of Legends.
The League of Legends also did not accept Moonton’s action, so that it dragged him into the realm of law. Riot Games was also assisted by Tencent so that in order to win the plagiarism case, Moonton had to pay the League of Legends party.
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Well, that was the article that discussed the famous plagiarism game. If there are others, please comment so that admins and authors can know your opinion. See you and see you again in the next article.
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