5 Best Meta Tank Heroes in Season 18 Mobile Legends
Tank is one of the most important hero roles in the Mobile Legends game. Now that we have entered season 18, there must be some Meta heroes that have changed, especially for the Tank role. Although there are dozens of available Tank heroes, not all of them are included in Meta and are often picked by ML players.
Of course, as a Tank, you have to play a role in protecting and providing support to one team’s heroes, especially core heroes. Tanks are required to be able to fight in the vanguard as a shield for the team’s core heroes in order to level the opposing team.
On this occasion we will discuss the 5 Best Tank Heroes in Season 18 of Mobile Legends. If you are curious, then please just read this article to the end so that your curiosity is treated plus you get the knowledge of Meta ML, just follow this.
1. Uranus

Uranus right now is really OP and deserves to be included in this Meta season 18, just the previous season Uranus also entered Meta as well. In the early game, this tank is very vicious and capable of dealing considerable damage to opponents who are brave by one.
Uranus is also known to have a high HP regen, so it is very difficult to kill because his blood continues to increase through his skills. This hero is perfect for being an offlaner because it can interfere with opponents and he can also fight with opponents without fear of running out of hp.
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2. Khufra

This Khufra will undoubtedly enter the Meta season this time because he has good skills in the game. This hero tank is perfect for crowd control of opponents, especially during team fights or war with the opposing team.
Khufra himself has skill 1 to jump at the opponent then cause a knock up effect, perfect for ambushing the opponent. Skill 2 allows him to become a ball then bounce, the opponent cannot escape with the blink skill. The ultimate skill can push the opponent in a certain direction, perfect for teamfight/war.
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3. Atlas

Atlas, one of the tanks with the best CC capabilities right now in season 18, is also in Meta. There is no doubt that Atlas is very suitable to be picked to make it easier for teammates when war with opponents. However, lately Atlas has often become Banned’s subscription in the ranked draft pick mode.
Atlas himself has a variety of qualified skills, ranging from passive skills that can make opponents slow when near him. Skill 1 which issues a decent damage attack three times. Skill 2 can be separated from the robot’s body, can be used to escape or chase opponents. No less important, Ultimate Skill is able to attract up to 5 enemies and then Atlas smack down in the direction he chooses.
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4. Barats

Barats is a tank hybrid fighter hero, this hero was just released some time ago but has entered Meta. This hero has an annoying skill set for the opponent, even though his skills are a bit strange.
The most feared skill of the Barats is the ultimate skill, he is able to eat the opponent for a few seconds then release it in the specified direction. It must be very annoying, isn’t it if you are eaten by Barats and then thrown at his teammates, you are automatically killed. No wonder Barats are often banned in draft pick mode, and if they are released they are usually picked.
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5. Johnson

Johnson is one of the old tank heroes but now shines again lately and is often a pick subscription. This one tank is indeed famous for its driving skills and then it will shockingly hit the opponent, it must be annoying if it hits.
Johnson can be used as a war initiator or a core hero hunter with ultimate skills. Usually Johnson can be combined with other heroes such as Odette, X-Borg, Saber, Gusion, Chou, Angela, and others that are suitable. If the player can use Johnson correctly and master the ultimate skill then the chances of winning can be greater.
Well, that was the article regarding the discussion of the 5 Best Meta Tank Heroes Season 18 in Mobile Legends. Please learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the Meta hero Tank above so that you can use it well.
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